Thursday, January 30, 2020

Deductive Argument Essay Example for Free

Deductive Argument Essay In this essay I will be arguing against Plato’s theory of knowledge given in the Republic’s divided line. I will distinguish the differences and similarities in the epistemological concepts of Plato and Aristotle intending to explain how one comes to have knowledge and the process through which it’s obtained. As support, I will explain Plato’s theory of forms and Aristotle’s theory of essence because they are a direct correlation to their view of knowledge through reality. Plato’s theory of Forms is a theory of knowledge and a theory of being. He describes, in the divided line, the division of existence. Plato believes the source of our knowledge is separate from this world. Participation connects us to this world. In the divided line he separates the visible and the intelligible or becoming and being. The top half is knowledge and the bottom half as opinion. The bottom half represent the lesser of reality, which includes perception and imagination, along with physical objects and shadows. The upper half includes metaphysics, higher forms, mathematical forms, epistemology, understanding and thinking. His theory of Forms involves images, sensible objects, concrete forms and abstract forms. Images are the lowest form of knowledge. Images only provide us with opinion and imagination. Sensible objects comes next which provides us with seeing something and having a belief about it by sensing it and perceiving it. Concrete forms allow us understanding, meaning we understand the parts of X by thinking. Finally, the highest form is the abstract form which is the most essential ‘pure thought’ of what X is. To Plato, this Essence is eternal and unchanging, making it necessary and true. According to Plato we know X, if and only if we have a direct grasp of X’s form or essence. Let’s break this argument down. So Imagination is a state of mind which takes sensible moral notions at face value just as it does sensible appearances or forms of the world at face value. For example, if you are viewing a palm tree you are using your imagination and Plato says is our opinion about what we are viewing, a palm tree. So imagination is perception and not knowledge. If A (Imagination is taking sensible notions and appearances or forms of the world at face value) then B (imagination is perception). A? B A ?B Using our common sense we have belief in the reality of the visible objects and concrete moral teachings (sufficient guide for action) without knowledge of the reason for such beliefs. Belief is faith and conviction, not knowledge. If C (Using our common sense we have belief in the reality of the visible objects and concrete moral teachings (sufficient guide for action) without knowledge of the reason for such beliefs) then D (belief is faith and conviction). C ? D C ?D If A (Imagination is taking sensible notions and appearances or forms of the world at face value), B (Imagination is perception), C (Using our common sense we have belief in the reality of the visible objects and concrete moral teachings (Sufficient guide for action) and D (Belief is faith and conviction), then E (Belief and imagination are opinion and not knowledge). A B C D ? E A B C D ?E Thinking is reasoning from premise to conclusion. This reasoning is the bridge from opinion to knowledge that is brought on by higher education, especially mathematics because pure mathematics and applied mathematics are tools used to understand X. Therefore, thinking is only understanding, not knowledge. So if F(thinking is reasoning from premise to conclusion and uses tools to gain understanding) then G(thinking is understanding). F? G F ?G From the â€Å"Good† or Episteme comes from intellect which consist of reason and dialect. This comes from philosophic conversation (dialect) by question and answer seeking (reasoning) an â€Å"account† of X. Therefore, knowledge or Episteme is the form of the ‘good’. So, If H (knowledge comes from philosophic conversation (dialect) by question and answer seeking (reasoning) an â€Å"account† of X) then I (we have knowledge or Episteme and the form of the ‘good’) H ? I H ?I If F (thinking is reasoning from premise to conclusion and uses tools to gain understanding), G (thinking is understanding), H (knowledge comes from philosophic conversation (dialect) by question and answer seeking (reasoning) an â€Å"account† of X) then I (we have knowledge or Episteme and the form of the ‘good’). F G H ? I FGH ?I Aristotle has similar concepts as Plato on knowledge that is best describes through his theory of Essence. He argues that scientific knowledge is the highest form of knowledge and is only concerned with this world and not a transcendent world like Plato. His forms include appearance, matter, concrete forms and abstract forms. He explains that we gain knowledge first through our senses and are able to view appearances. Using the senses activates our imagination that gives us opinion. After appearance is matter. When we engage in experience we come to know matter and by doing so we have belief. Similar to Plato, Aristotle claims concrete forms come next by knowing abstraction or the classification of X which provides us with understanding. And finally he agrees with Plato in that Abstract form is what makes X, X. By intellectually grasping the essence of X we have knowledge. Aristotle defines essence as the sense on matter and form. Matter is material and form is eternal. Appearances are imagination and imagination perceives only through the senses. Here Aristotle is in agreement with Plato in that if A (Imagination is a state of mind which takes sensible moral notions at face value just as it sensible appearances or forms of the world at face value) then B (imagination is perception). A? B A ?B Matter gives us belief because If C (Using our common sense we have belief in the reality of the visible objects and concrete moral teachings (sufficient guide for action) without knowledge of the reason for such beliefs) then D (belief is faith and conviction). C? D C ?D. The classification or abstraction of what distinguishes X over a different X is understanding. For example, to know what makes a palm tree, a palm tree and a coconut tree, a coconut tree. Therefore, thinking is understanding. So if F (thinking is reasoning from premise to conclusion and uses tools to gain understanding) then G (thinking is understanding). F ? G F ?G Plato argues knowledge comes from a ‘final good’ or â€Å"Goodness†, which is the level above scientific understanding to which the human mind is capable in rising. This rising to a higher level is called Episteme. He says that there is only one form (idea) of everything that only exists in the ‘thought universe’ or the ‘mind of the creator’. This intellectual truth is truer than physical truth. Aristotle on the other hand argues that knowledge come from the human essence tilos or rationality. So, knowledge is reaching rational activity excellently and scientific knowledge is the end of it. They both agree on essence being eternal and unchanging. They may separate from the matter, recycle and get involved with other matter but the forms are eternal and unchanging. I agree with Aristotle because Plato confuses the human ability of abstraction with independent existence. As humans we can generalize and find common features in separate objects such as red things but that does not mean that there exists somewhere something called redness. He is attempting to explain reality with the addition of a transcendent world. Aristotle is interested in explaining the world as a changing world; Plato’s forms do not change so they cannot help in explaining the phenomena of change in the empirical world. According to Aristotle, we do not acquire knowledge all in one moment but rather through a process. He says objects of real existence are the ones that we encounter through our sense perception, known as his theory of empiricism (which is too much to go further into) in this he argues again that all knowledge originates from experience. This contradicts Plato’s two world theory. I found it very hard to illustrate both views of knowledge because the extensive information they use to explain it so I broke it down in the way I understood it. In the end, I found myself becoming my own philosopher in researching the works of such great minds. I feel these arguments create the rationality that people forget to practice when it’s the one thing that separates us as humans. Works Cited Puanthanh Gangmei, Plato’s theory of knowledge and forms (www. blogcastor. com: October 16, 2011): http://blogcastor. com/plato%e2%80%99s-theory-of-knowledge-and-forms/, November 22 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Epistemology http://faculty. washington. edu/smcohen/320/thforms. htm http://www. filthylucre. com/plato-versus-aristotle-theory-of-forms-and-causes http://www. iep. utm. edu/aristotl/ http://www. iep. utm. edu/aristotl/ http://www. iep. utm. edu/middlekn/

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Trapping a Mouse Essay -- Expository Process Essays

Trapping a Mouse Trapping a mouse is not as easy as one might think. Mice are very crafty and they have an uncanny ability to steal the bait from a trap without getting caught. I was shown at a very early age just how slick these mice could be. Consequently, I was also taught the proper way to trap a mouse. It is very important to use the right ingredients when trapping these pesky critters. This is very important to ensure a good clean kill. You should use the two-bait method. By using this time-tested procedure, you will have an approximate success rate of 80% to 100%. The two ingredients used for this type of trapping are peanut butter and Velveeta cheese. Why these two particular items? Have you eaten a peanut butter sandwich at some point in your life, or a piece of Velveeta cheese? If you have, you know how sticky and chewy they both are. These two facts are what make them the prime ingredients for luring and trapping mice. I have tried other methods over the years, but the rodent has always managed to cheat the jaws of death. He would snatch the bait and run before the trap even went off. After many futile attempts with the other ways of trapping, I'd always revert to that time proven method. My grandfather was the one who devised this two-bait method. As a child I lived in a two-family home. My family and I lived on the first floor, along with my grandparents who lived on the second. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather. You may be wondering why this whole mouse trapping endeavor came to be. Let me tell you, growing up in an Italian household there was always plenty of food around, especially bread and cheese along with fruit and nuts that were lef... ...stairs to see if it worked. As I opened the door to the apartment, there sitting at the table in all his glory was my grandfather. He was wearing an ear to ear grin that could have lit up the darkest of nights. He motioned for me to come over to him. As I got closer to him, he said, "go look behind the icebox." I walked over to it and with nervous anticipation I peeked behind. Lo and behold, there he was, the mouse that had caused so much turmoil for my grandfather, now dead, caught by a persistent old man of many ideas. Thus started the two-bait method for trapping a mouse. You must use peanut butter and Velveeta cheese. But not too much of either because you want the mouse to have to stand on the trap in order to get at the bait. Then, locate the site of those rude little mouse droppings! Once you've found that, you are ready to "Trap a Mouse!" Trapping a Mouse Essay -- Expository Process Essays Trapping a Mouse Trapping a mouse is not as easy as one might think. Mice are very crafty and they have an uncanny ability to steal the bait from a trap without getting caught. I was shown at a very early age just how slick these mice could be. Consequently, I was also taught the proper way to trap a mouse. It is very important to use the right ingredients when trapping these pesky critters. This is very important to ensure a good clean kill. You should use the two-bait method. By using this time-tested procedure, you will have an approximate success rate of 80% to 100%. The two ingredients used for this type of trapping are peanut butter and Velveeta cheese. Why these two particular items? Have you eaten a peanut butter sandwich at some point in your life, or a piece of Velveeta cheese? If you have, you know how sticky and chewy they both are. These two facts are what make them the prime ingredients for luring and trapping mice. I have tried other methods over the years, but the rodent has always managed to cheat the jaws of death. He would snatch the bait and run before the trap even went off. After many futile attempts with the other ways of trapping, I'd always revert to that time proven method. My grandfather was the one who devised this two-bait method. As a child I lived in a two-family home. My family and I lived on the first floor, along with my grandparents who lived on the second. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather. You may be wondering why this whole mouse trapping endeavor came to be. Let me tell you, growing up in an Italian household there was always plenty of food around, especially bread and cheese along with fruit and nuts that were lef... ...stairs to see if it worked. As I opened the door to the apartment, there sitting at the table in all his glory was my grandfather. He was wearing an ear to ear grin that could have lit up the darkest of nights. He motioned for me to come over to him. As I got closer to him, he said, "go look behind the icebox." I walked over to it and with nervous anticipation I peeked behind. Lo and behold, there he was, the mouse that had caused so much turmoil for my grandfather, now dead, caught by a persistent old man of many ideas. Thus started the two-bait method for trapping a mouse. You must use peanut butter and Velveeta cheese. But not too much of either because you want the mouse to have to stand on the trap in order to get at the bait. Then, locate the site of those rude little mouse droppings! Once you've found that, you are ready to "Trap a Mouse!"

Monday, January 13, 2020

Interim Report Example Essay

Introduction: This document contains the interim report of – This report will tell what has been achieved, what still needs to be done in every department in the organization and in which timeframe. The employees of the RB company have been working greatly and putting a lot of effort to be a stable company and ultimately grow into a successful company. This report will show the companies past activities and if they have been completed successfully. Moreover, this report will also include our future goals and perspectives. Overview Review Rainy Business was established in last semester and experienced a whole new process of running a business. The marketing department has taken part in the process of developing products and finding the right way to price, promote and to sell the products. Selling technique In the business plan the Marketing and Sales Department illustrated a specific analysis about the 4p’s. Especially in promotion, the focus was on substantially expanding the selling channel of the company. We thought about selling the different kinds of raincoats through twitter, facebook, personal selling, direct marketing and selling through a website, but eventually personal selling turned out to be the best selling technique for our product. Target group At the start of the life of the company the idea was to focus especially on tourists as target group. By selling our products in the city-center of Amsterdam the company discovered that everyone who needs a poncho fits our target market. Since tourists were not really willing to buy our company’s ponchos including the city-centre map Rainy Business decided to change our product line. Therefore the company does not focus on tourists anymore but on every person in crowded places who is in need of a poncho. Goals & Objectives Sales The company has bought several kinds of rain ponchos at the beginning of the 2nd period. After trying to sell the rain ponchos, Rainy Business discovered that the disposable rain ponchos were selling a lot easier. So the marketing department decided to focus on the disposable ponchos, simply because that generates the quick sales, which our company could really use, with concerning the financial position at the moment. Valentine’s Day The marketing department started to think of new proper dates to sell our rain ponchos and came up with the idea to sell on Valentine’s Day. The reason why Rainy Business is to believe that there will be a lot of sales that day, is due to the fact that our company will order ponchos in red and maybe in white, which represent the colors of love. Our marketing department believes that when you sell the ponchos in these colors at that very moment, that it will sell much better than normal. Market fair The annual Market Fair is coming up, so the marketing department thought of a way to attract people to our stand. And they came up with a few solutions, the first one was: create an Easter theme around the stand and maybe have some people dressing up as an Easter bunny. The second idea was: that the members of Rainy Business could have real live mannequins walking around with our ponchos in all different colors in order to attract people to our market place and of course in order to get the attention of the ladies and gentlemen walking around. End of year By the end of this year the company hopes to have sold enough ponchos to make a good profit. Another important goal is getting satisfaction of the shareholders, which could possibly lead to an after live of the Rainy Business. Production department Overview In the last couple of months, the production department has putted a lot of effort in satisfying the company’s expectations. The department did a lot of research, like researching different kind of products that we can sell. The production department first thought of producing and selling only one product, but then Rainy Business decided that it was better to sell different kinds of products, which are the disposable rain poncho, the basic rain poncho, the basic rain poncho with a belt and a basic rain poncho with a map. The production department was also responsible for holding the stock. What we achieved with the research process The ultimate test was when we found out that there were two companies who are also selling rain poncho’s. We had to make sure to make our product more recognizable and unique. And with secretly approaching our competitors we were capable of screening their product, so we were aware and strong enough to compete with our competitors. We achieved a bigger market share when we came to the conclusion to sell different kinds of products. Instead of one kind of raincoats we have four variants. Our customers can choose from different rain ponchos and feel free to compare them, when it comes to the quality and the prices. The production department worked together closely together with all the departments in the Rainy Business but especially with the marketing department. This made both departments became more effective and efficient to get to understand how the customers would like their rain ponchos. This information is important to keep updated of the wants of our targeted customers. The production department can respond to them with the rain poncho’s who are the closest to their desire to keep their satisfaction on a high level as we try to make profit in such a short term. This gives us space to stay innovative without disappointing the customers. It also gives us a bigger chance to extend our profits for now and in the future. What do we want to achieve. The production team has its own set of goals, where we work hard and contribute to our part of the company. Now that our company has been established some time ago, we have to see where we can add value to the current products to increase profit margin of the company. Goals & Objectives At this moment the production team will cut a product out of our current line, because it decreases our profits, since the sales of that product are not what we expected. However, the production department is already working on a formula to add value to our current products. And the goals for department these couple of months is to create new products, so that we can continu1e our company’s growth and to maintain a stable flow of products against the lowest prices, but a new strategy is required as well, since the one we used up till now didn’t work as we thought it would, the new strategy should be focused on what the customer wants instead of finding a reason for a customer to buy our products. In a few months from now, our department will create new stars for the company where we can rely on, and successfully turn them into cash cows. The final and maybe one of the most important goal of the production department is that we will create satisfaction by giving the cust omers something they need and want. How will we achieve that The production team is always thinking about new innovative ideas. Because one of our products did not sell as well as we thought it would sell, we decided to drop the product, which means that we will focus on the disposable poncho. At this moment, we are going to vary our product line by brighten up the ponchos. Rainy Business is planning on selling the product in several colors such as: red, orange and green. This way, the poncho will be more appealing and will get the consumers’ attention which will lead to a more profitable product. Another idea is to give our customers something extra so they will have another reason to buy our poncho. This will, of course, be something that suits our product and adds extra value to the product. Financial Department Overview During the first semester, there was a high level of uncertainty within the Financial Department. The main cause of this was that the amount of shares was constantly changing, and we do not have a bank account due to the delay of ABN AMRO. So we have been using one of the employees’ account, which makes us difficult to track on every transaction that the shareholders pay and the revenues we have earned. The financial department has tried to cooperate with the other departments as much as possible. This to figure out for example the exact costs, the final profit that indicates how many dividends can be declared to shareholders at the end of the year. Being aware of what influences the other departments may have an impact on the decisions that will be made in the financial department. Moreover, we had to deal with dropouts, which meant loosing shares and not being able to spend the reserved amount of money on the marketing department. Lastly one of our biggest issues was that shareholders did not pay on time. This gave us financial uncertainty of whether they were going to pay or not in the near future. As of now, shares are still not completely sold. After finding a cheaper supplier, Rainy business has been able to finance the products. This happened in November, which is shown in our financial plan. Goals & Objectives The previous financial plan indicated that Rainy business is planning to issue 75 shares. As a result, we got only 50 shares, gaining a startup capital of 1000 Euros. With this starting capital, the decision was made to order 140 pieces raincoat for first semester. 100pcs for disposable raincoats and 40pcs for the normal ones. The product costs for raincoat is 196.83 Euros. The Average Selling price for disposable raincoat was 2 Euro ,for normal raincoat was 4.99 Euro, for raincoat with belt was 5.99 Euro, for raincoat with map was 6.99 Euro. The revenue for the entire business year will approximately be 442 Euro if we sold all of the 140pcs of raincoats. Now, we have already earned the amount of revenues of approximately 282 Euro. Achievements & Failures 1. Product After effort of one semester, our sales are doing quite well. We have learned how to work as a team, communicating with international people who comes from different countries, learn their culture, as well as how consumers establish a good relationship, in which also encountered many difficulties. For example, miscommunication, money are missing sometimes but we have accumulated valuable experience. 2. Marketing Expense We did not spend anything for marketing, even market research. The thing we only have to do is to persuade customers to buy our products. 3. Shares Unfortunately, the goals of attaining 75 shares have not been achieved. At the moment, Rainy Business only has 50 shares in total with a capital of 1000 Euro. This is due to the dropped out of employees during the business year. Even though these problems occurred, we still have enough. 4. Revenue Fortunately, our sales are doing quite well. We have already earned an amount of 294 Euros this includes some money which is going to be received soon. We still have enough capital to sustain and also order new products. If everything stays on track, our company will make a lot of profit at the end of the business year. Human Resource Department Overview The Human Resource Department has been a crucial element to the functioning of the organization. Rainy Business has recognized the importance of the working relations inside the company from the beginning on. Therefore the department has gone through a number of affairs with the personnel. These will be further detailed in the following paragraphs. Contract of employment The department has engaged in preparing the contract of employment. The contract embraces the demerit system and includes restrictions regarding apparel, absence and responsibilities. The contract has been signed during one-on-one conversations with the employees. Personal conversations During the confidential conversations the Human Resource department was able to evaluate the mindset of each individual. Their motivations, abilities, concerns, frustrations and ideas had a primary focus in midst of the conversations. The evaluations have been recorded in personal profiles and considered in the development of the organization. Satisfaction survey Also, all employees have been requested to fill in a survey appealed to value their level of satisfaction in the organization. On basis of views on the organization’s managers, employees’ contributions, task division and other criteria the Human Resource Department was given the opportunity to better the company as well as the working relationships among employees. Demerit system To maintain continuity and the ability to progress, the Human Resource Department has had to occupy in attributing demerits. The department has chosen to limit itself to demerits solitary since its main aim is to motivate employees to participate in the progress of the organization. A merit system would not be necessary and is therefore replaced by employee of the month announcements. Sales pitch Once the other departments had concluded their business activities regarding the attainment of shareholders and the stocking of supplies, the Human Resource Department decided to organize a sales pitch. In this sales pitch selling ideas and former experiences from all employees were brought forward. Team-building activity To both conclude the first few months of existence and to learn on a personal level about each colleague, the Human Resource Department organized a team-building activity. The activity consisted of a laser gaming trip and a dinner at a restaurant. Goals & Objectives When we take a look into the future, it looks very promising. The core competence of the Human Resource Department is that we want the employees to continue feeling comfortable with each other. To achieve this the Human Resource Department will try to build a stronger relationship with the employees. When an employee will feel as a part of the company, he or she will do his or her best to achieve the maximum of productivity. To achieve this goal the Human Resource Department will keep the same working-methods which we saw in the past. Demerit-system and the employee of the month: The Human Resource Department will keep working and using the demerit system and we will announce an new employee of the month. At the end of each month the new employee of the month will be introduced to the group members and the employee will receive a certificate. We use this method to show our employees that we appreciate that they deliver good work. Unfortunately that will not always be the case; sometimes an employee can miss a deadline or be too late at meetings. This can happen to everyone, but to make sure that this will not repeat more often the Human Resource Department set up rules where there is a part which says that missing one deadline a employee will receive 10 demerits and being late without notification will give you 2 demerits. The reason for receive 10 demerits for missing a deadline is because being late with finishing your task can damage the whole company. Everyone works together and everything is linked to each other, so if one person will miss the deadline the others can not continue doing their job. If you have 10 demerits you will get one official warning. If you get another 10 demerits you will get your second official warning. And if you get 10 demerits again, the employee will leave no other choice for the company but to let him or her go. When the employee get 10 demerits they will get a appointment with one of the members of the Human Resource Department who will guide the employee through the process, and they have to represent their new goal which has to be SMARTER and present that to the member of the Human Resource Department. Build/maintain the relationships with the employees: In the past we saw good results from this system, and want to maintain the improvements. One of the most important task for the Human Resource Department is to build trust with the employees and a good relationship, so if there will be conflicts in the company the employees will feel comfortable to communicate with one of the members of the Human Resource Department. To achieve this goal the employees of Rainy Business will get appointments with one or more member from the Human Resource Department, where the employee will get some questions about how they feel at work and if the want to say anything. The Human Resources department believe s that if we maintain delivering good quality to the company, this will lead the company into an positive and interesting future.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Use of Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth...

The Use of Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Deception is a key theme in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night. The characters must use deception to obtain good things, escape bad situations, or to play cruel hilarious ticks on other people. One example of deception is when Viola clothes herself in mens clothing in order to obtain a job under the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. During another scene Sir Andrew, Fabian, Maria, and Sir Toby Belch trick Malvolio into making a fool of himself. A third example of deception is when Feste the jester disguises himself as Sir Topas and taunts Malvolio. Each of these scenes and characters helps depict the different uses of deception. The first example of deception is†¦show more content†¦Olivia mistakenly proposes to Sebastian. Despite the fact that Sebastian has never met Olivia, he accepts the marriage. After the Duke discovers Violas gender, he falls in love with her and they wed. A second example of deception is the cruel trick that Sir Andrew, Fabian, Maria, and Sir Toby Belch play on Malvolio. Maria, Olivias lady-in-waiting, writes a note in her mistresss handwriting saying that Olivia falls for men who wear high yellow stockings and smile all the time. Sir Toby says: He shall think by the letter that thou wilt drop that they come from my niece, and that shes in love with him. (Shakespeare, 157) The conspirators then place the note in Marias garden, a place where Malvolio surely will find it. They do this to Malvolio because he had ruined their rambunctious fun the night before. Malvolio finds the letter and reads it: ...cast thy humble slough, and appear fresh. Be opposite with kinsman, surly with servants...Remember who commended thy yellow stockings, and wished to see thee ever cross-gartered . (Shakespeare, 139-145) Later, Malvolio confronts Olivia and she thinks he is insane. Malvolio gets put in a cage and becomes isolated for his behavior. Far a third and final example of deception, Feste disguises himself as Sir Topas to further annoy Malvolio. Maria asks Feste to dress up in a gown and hat and put on a long beard, to disguise himself asShow MoreRelatedEssay about Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night775 Words   |  4 PagesDeception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night In William Shakespeares comedic play, Twelfth Night, a recurring theme is deception. The characters in the play used deception for a variety of purposes. Violas use of deception involves her disguising herself as a man in order to obtain a job with the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. On the other hand, Maria, Olivias servant, writes a letter to Malvolio in Olivias handwriting to make Malvolio act foolishly because of his love for Olivia. 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In addition to it is also the only playRead MoreThe Twelfth Night - Development of Themes889 Words   |  4 Pagesthe writer develops a significant idea or theme in an extended txt you have studied.’ Many say William Shakespeare is the most influential writer in all of English literature with works hailed by Elizabeth I, James I and literary luminaries such as Ben Jonson. Shakespeare wrote the critically acclaimed Twelfth Night in 1601 during the middle of his career. This play incorporates illusion, deception, disguises, madness and shows the extraordinary things that love with cause us to do. ShakespeareRead MoreThe Function of Disguise in Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare889 Words   |  4 PagesThe Function of Disguise in Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare William Shakespeares play, Twelfth Night is based around disguise and deception, both mental and physical. The deception leads to a lot of misunderstanding and subsequently, a lot of humour. The tale begins in Illyria with the Duke Orsino, who is suffering due to his unrequited love for the Lady Olivia. The Lady is also suffering from the recent loss of her brother and father, and currently wants nothingRead More Misperception and Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night2160 Words   |  9 PagesMisperception and Deception in Twelfth Night  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Twelfth Night is likely one of Shakespeare’s most entertaining and complete comedy. This romance explores a generous wealth of themes and issues. The most recurrent theme is the relationship between misperception and deception. As a result of their environment and immediate circumstances, men are forced into misperceptions. Paradoxically, they are completely trapped by these illusions. Between the bad fortune they encounter andRead MoreConcealment in the Twelfth Night Essay1248 Words   |  5 PagesBritish Literature: Concealment in Twelfth Night Throughout Twelfth Night, concealment influences each character’s life because it’s essential to portray how falsehood can be amusing or agonizing before they can discover their identity in life. Therefore, the concept of concealment not only affects the characters’ mistaken identities and abilities to express true love, but it gives the story comedic and entertaining qualities. Furthermore, concealment portrayed throughout this story makes each