Saturday, December 28, 2019

Black History Month Essay Topics

Black history, or African-American history, is full of fascinating stories, rich culture, great art, and courageous acts that were undertaken within circumstances that we can hardly imagine in modern society. While Civil Rights events are the most common themes in our studies, we should resist equating African-American history only with Civil Rights-era history. There is so much more to explore! This list contains 50 prompts that might lead you into some interesting and little-known information about African-American history. Note: Your first challenge in studying some of the topics below is finding resources. When conducting an Internet search, be sure to place quotation marks around your search term (try different variations) to narrow your results. African-American newspapersAfrican-American soldiers in the American RevolutionAfrican-American soldiers in the Civil WarAviatorsBuffalo SoldiersBusiness-owning slavesBuying timeCamp Logan RiotsClennon Washington King, Jr.Coffey School of AeronauticsCrispus AttucksDomestic labor strikes in the SouthFinding lost family members after emancipationFirst African Baptist ChurchFort MoseFreedoms JournalGospel musicGullah heritageHarlem HellfightersHarlem RenaissanceHarriet TubmanHistorically Black CollegesHistory of rock-and-rollInventorsJohn BrownJumping the broomManumission papersMaroon villages in the eighteenth centuryMidwiferyMotown RecordsMulti-cultural pirate shipsNat TurnerOtelia CromwellProperty-owning slavesPurchasing freedomRalph Waldo TylerRegister of Free Persons of ColorSecret schools in antebellum AmericaShermans March followersSlave NarrativesSusie King TaylorThe AmistadThe Brotherhood of Sleeping Car PortersThe Communist Party (involvement)The Great MigrationThe Haitian Rev olutionTuskegee AirmenUnderground RailroadUrban slavery (related to buying time)Wilberforce College, Ohio

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Ethics Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act - 1703 Words

In the past, many corporate executive have committed various forms scandals in their organizations. Such fraudulent arts are unethical and immoral behavior. This led the US government to form legislation in order to control fraudulent activities; mostly performed by senior officers in the organization. In view of this, this paper will address the following: historical summary on SOX enactment, the key ethical components of SOX, social responsibility implications regarding mandatory publication of corporate ethics, whether the criticisms of SOX implication presents an unfair burden on smaller organizations and suggestions on the improvement of SOX legislation. Brief Historical Summary on SOX Enactment The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was introduced by Senator Paul Sarbanes, a Democrat from Maryland and Congressman Michael Oxley, a Republican from Ohio. President George W. Bush signed the bill into law in July 30, 2002. SOX enactment is an act that was formulated as a result of corporate scandals from Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, and Tyco. However, Congress succumbed to pressure from the public for the government to take action about the unethical behavior of company executives of publicly –traded companies. Thus, the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) was to restore the integrity and public confidence in financial markets. During these scandals, there were flagrant disregard to Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP). For example, according to Washington Post (2005), WorldComShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Sarbanes Oxley Act1667 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enforced in the past but caught everyone’s attention when drastic audit failures from Enron and Worldcom happened. An enhanced act (SOX) was enacted in 2002 improving audit quality. In particular, section 404 provides guidance of assessment to internal control. For an accounting perspective, internal control is a system for internal and external auditors to measure performance and recommend the improvement of the control. It is definitely correct that both enforcementRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act1497 Words   |  6 Pagesmarkets. Within weeks of the scandal, Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This act the has made significant adjustments in the accounting industry by require the company CEO take the United States criminal responsibility for company s financial reporting authenticity. Strict audit the company’ regulations and supervision, prohibit of the company insider loans and to require more timely disclosure of financ ial information (Laffie). This act greatly strengthened criminal penalties for company’s financialRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act1778 Words   |  8 Pagesaccounting methods, the financial industry has been plagued with one disaster after another involving numerous scandals from top leading American companies. Consequently, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2002 compromising eleven sections that are generated to insure the responsibilities of the company’s managers and executives. This act identifies criminal penalties for particular unethical practices and currently has new policies that a corporation must follow in their financial reporting. The followingRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 2002 ( Sox )858 Words   |  4 Pagessmall family business could have implemented to refrain the perpetrators from fraudulent incidents, protect organizational assets and the organization’s going concern. Corporate fraud was the cornerstone for the strict implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). SOX implements many compliance regulations, but one of its regulations, specifically Section 404, relates to an organization’s internal control procedures with the purpose of protecting organizational assets and investors’ interestRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 20021563 Words   |  7 PagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was enacted to bring back public trust in markets. Building trust requires ethics within organizations. Through codes of ethics, organizations conduct themselves in a manner that promotes public trust. Through defining a code of ethics, organizations can follow, the market becomes fair for investors to have confidence in the integrity of the disclosures and financial reports given to them. The code of ethics includes the promotion of honest and ethical conductRead MoreSarbanes Oxley1476 Words   |  6 Pagesfirms. Sarbanes Oxley has m ade many changes to many companies. The major financial scandals have impacted many investors and required more regulations to avert this problems. Sarbanes Oxley has tried to increase ethics in the upper management in many public companies. The upper management has tried to improve on social responsibility and increase the public view. There are many critics to Sarbanes Oxley and many different suggestions on improvements. History of Sarbanes-Oxley Act ScandalsRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 20021614 Words   |  7 PagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was enacted to bring back public trust in markets. Building trust requires ethics within organizations. Through codes of ethics, organizations are put in line to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes public trust. Through defining a code of ethics, organizations can follow, market becomes fair for investors to have confidence in the integrity of the disclosures and financial reports given to them. The code of ethics include â€Å"the promotion of honest andRead MoreSarbanes Oxley Act Paper934 Words   |  4 PagesRunning Head: SARBANES OXLEY ACT Sarbanes Oxley Act Introduction Sarbanes Oxley Act is focused towards identifying accounting frauds in different public companies. This paper discusses about various reasons for the introduction of Sarbanes Oxley Act and causes that has been overlooked. Causes for Sarbanes-Oxley Act Sarbanes Oxley Act is US federal law, which is established in order to set out the some standards for accounting firms, public company boards and managementRead MoreThe Tax Advantages Of Sarbanes Oxley Essay969 Words   |  4 PagesDisadvantages of Sarbanes-Oxley Afua Nyamekye Liberty University The Tax Advantages and Disadvantages of Sarbanes-Oxley The 1990s and the early 2000s was a time that the world witness an explosion of fraud in the corporate world. Corporate fraud like Enron, HealthSouth, Waste Management, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers, etc. was so disturbing that lawmakers felt the need for a law to help curb down these frauds. Lawmakers came out with Sarbanes Oxley named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Rep. MichaelRead MoreEssay about Details of the Sarbanes Oxley Act 20021060 Words   |  5 Pagesfindings properly. Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, there have been provisions that have directly affected auditors. This paper will include the details of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, how ethics and independence have affected auditors, as well implementation of new standards based on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, provided changes in the regulations of the issuers in the public structures in the United States, as well as non-United States issuers. The Act applies to all issuers including

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Evaluation of Government’s Policy Challenges

Question: Discuss the role governments policy in controlling the economic balance of a nation. Answer: Introduction Governments Policy plays an important role in controlling the economic balance of a nation. It is a major economic tool for maintaining stability in the financial and societal growth of a country. It is important to note that there are several policies implemented by the government which has negative impact on the economic growth of the country. In other words, every policy has its own advantage and disadvantages (Snedden, 2010). Hence, it is important for the Commonwealth authorities to evaluate the impact of a policy before implementing them for the welfare of the nation. In this section, the study mainly focuses on evaluating two different policies of the Commonwealth Government and observes its effect on the economic position of Australia. Furthermore, the paper will discuss both aspects of the policies in terms of their positive impacts as well as negative impacts to recommend the suitable measures that can be taken by the Commonwealth government to maintain proper balance in th e economy. Firstly, the discussion is made on the incentives provided by the government by reducing the company and income tax rates, in the context of a large budget deficit in the country. The second discussion is made on lowering the interest rate to promote economic activities, while moderating the housing price growth to improve housing affordability. These two major policy changes of the government will be analysed and evaluated to judge the success rate of the regulation and policy changes. Along with that, the discussion will provide proper evidence to support the justification using theories and arguments of other economists. Impact of reduction in company and income tax in the context of a large budget deficit The research and development tax incentives motivate and encourage entrepreneurs to promote their business activities and innovation that benefits the economy by increasing the productivity of the nation. By providing tax offsets for eligible innovation and technology development, the government of Australia supports the growth of businesses in the country. It further improves the income level and GDP of the country. Incentive for innovation and development through tax reduction leads to sustainable growth of business in the economy. The reduction in the tax rates leads to increase in the government spending (Walker, 2012). Hence, there is a need to consider the cost of promoting innovation and innovation of business in Australia before implementing this policy for the welfare of the economy. Hence, it is important for the government of Australia to considering the spending and budget deficits before using this policy for the betterment of the economy. It can be seen through study that the Australia Economy has been facing a budget deficit since 2009. The main reason for the budget deficit is the financial downturn in the global economy. The global financial crisis in the year 2007 and 2008 led to the economic downfall in Australia that led to decrease in export and other foreign incomes. Furthermore, the impact of the economic downturn was felt over the Commonwealth budget in the year 2009 that continued till today (Kuhn, 2007). The budget deficit figure in the Australian economy has been presented with the help of a diagram given below: Figure: Australia Government Budget Source: (, 2016) It can be seen through the above figure that the Australian Government Budget deficit began in the year 2009 with -2.2 percent that increased to around -4.2 percent in the year 2010. In the previous year, the Australian government faced a budget deficit of -2.4 percent (, 2016). Hence, it can be understood that the government of Australia needs to implement necessary strategies to overcome the budget deficits and maintain an economic balance. In order to maintain an economic balance and overcome the deficit in the governments budget there are several strategies that can be used by the higher authorities. The strategies are discussed herein below: Increase Tax: The first and the foremost need for the Australian government are to increase the tax rate to reduce the deficit in the budget. Furthermore, to have a positive budget, increase in the tax rate can be helpful for the government (Suter, 2009). Cut government spending: Government spending should be cut to overcome the deficit in the budget. The government of Australia needs to reduce the subsidiaries allowed by the government to the common people to have a better balance in the budget. Promote economic growth: Promoting economic growth can be helpful in increasing the governments earnings and overcome the deficit in the budget. Now, considering the case of incentives for innovation and development by reducing company and income tax can have adverse impact on the budget of the country. Though this policy promotes growth of innovation through a sustainable way, the increased incentives may lead to increase in the government spending (Walker, 2010). Along with that, the reduction in the company and income tax leads to fall in the income of the government. Hence, in a situation of deficit in the government budget, this sort of policy that leads to further adverse situation for the economy. Hence, it can be said that a policy implemented by the government can have negative impact on the growth of the economy. Lowering interest rates while moderating housing price growth Interest rates play an active role in controlling the amount of money borrowed in the market. It is the only factor that controls the loan amount in the market as well as the amount deposited in the bank. For example, the lower the interest rate, the more amount of money will be borrowed from banks while the higher the interest rates, the lower will loan amount in the market (RBA, 2016). A diagram has been presented below for better understanding: Figure: Effect of interest rate Source: (Levy, 2008) It can be seen from the above diagram that lowering the interest rates will decreases the savings and increase the new loan amounts and loan repayment capability of the borrowers. Furthermore, it will promote economic activity in the nation. Now, moderating the housing prices will lead to increased investment on real estate and increase the affordability of the people. This is because people of Australia will easily get money on lower interest that will increase the demand of real estate property in the market. Now, continuing the policy for a longer period will have some negative impact on the economy (Runcie, 2014). For example, the increased demand for the housing properties will lead to shortfall of supply of real estates in the market. Along with that, the higher the amount of loan taken from the market, the more difficult it will to recover the amount from the market. If we take an example, it can be seen that the main reason for the global financial crisis in the year 2008 was the decrease in the interest rates that led to high amount of borrowing in the market. It can be estimated that the high demand in the housing market with limited supply will lead to increase in the price in the housing industry after a particular point of time. A lower interest rate will lead to increase in the government spending and decrease in the government funds (Keddie and Smith, 2009). Hence, if the policy keeps on continuing for a longer period, it will lead to financial crisis in the Australian market that we have already faced in the global economy in the year 2008. Hence, it can be seen that the policy has certain negative impacts if continued for a longer period. Conclusion At the end of the discussion section, the setting of the macroeconomics policies must be identified to prevent any uncertain and undesirable consequences to the economy. For an emerging economy, growth must be recognised as one of the fundamental economic performance indicators. At the same time, budget deficit can play an adverse role in any economy sustainability. Therefore, in order to countervail adverse forces, effective policies and practices can be promoted so that the outcomes of the policies can work in favour of economic development. In context to the first situation, if the company tax and income tax have been reduced from the normal standards to promote industrial growth and innovation, it will create a negative impact on the government budget. Invariably, reduction in income tax and company tax can limit the income of the government. As a result of the consequences, the government can face a significant budget deficit that can create an adverse impact on economys progres s. On the other hand, lowering interest rates can be instrumental for economic growth perspective. By reducing the rates of interest, the government can help to stimulate economic activity. Apart from that, moderating price growth of housing industry can effectively improve the economy condition as the house prices will be more affordable to the social people. But, continuing the second policy can lead to a financial crisis in the Australian market. Hence, it is important for the government to analyse and judge the impacts of economic policies to avoid negative consequences. References Director, A. (2011). The Prosperity of Australia: An Economic Analysis Frederick C. Benham.Journal of Political Economy, 39(5), pp.676-678. Dixon, R. and Thomson, J. (2010). Movements over Time in the Unemployment Rate in Australia.The Australian Economic Review, 33(3), pp.286-297. Hardaker, J., Fleming, E. and Lien, G. (2009). How Should Governments Make Risky Policy Decisions?.Australian Journal of Public Administration, 68(3), pp.256-271. Head, B. and Ryan, N. (2014). Can Co-governance Work? Regional Natural Resource Management in Queensland, Australia.Society and Economy, 26(2), pp.361-382. International Monetary Fund, (2006). Australia: Recent Economic Developments.IMF Staff Country Reports, 96(37), p.1. Jackson, T. (2014). Local Economy special edition on Australia and New Zealand: Commentary.Local Economy, 30(1), pp.5-11. Jonson, P. (2015). Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policies.Australian Economic Review, 48(2), pp.190-191. Keddie, J. and Smith, R. (2009). Leading from Below: How Sub-National Governments Influence Policy Agendas.Australian Journal of Public Administration, 68(1), pp.67-82.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

International Social Work Can Be Understand-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: How To The International Social Work Can Be Understand? Answer: Introduction International social work can be understand as a social work that deals with issues and challenges that are universal in nature which are not country specific but comprises of the problems that are faced by the individuals across the globe (Jones and Truell, 2012). International social work acts and strives hard for achieving the well-being of all the individuals across the globe that comprises of around billions of people and hundreds of countries. In present scenario, International social work is not only an approach but a source for generating employment, eradicating poverty, achieving local level development, putting an end to the force displacement of individuals and working on many other issues and opportunities (Lyons, et al., 2012). Social Development can be understand as the approach of having planned modifications for achieving an improved fit and balance among the various social programs and policies and the individual needs. It works in an aspect of releasing the potentia l of the individuals for the eradication of some of the societal issues and inequalities. With the help of social development approach there takes place transformation or evaluation that results in increased social development through upsurge opportunities for people and by empowering individuals to manage their operations in a more effective way (Pawar, 2014). The key purposes for which social; development works includes the human welfare and well-being by numerous functions in context with housing and nutrition, health care, educational facilities, etc. Both international social work and social development together works for the enrichment and development of the masses and the societies as a whole so that they can attain a better livelihood with decreased number of issues and challenges (Healy, 2008). The paper will have a discussion related to the global poverty issue of international social work and development by the means of an integrated perspective approach to have a better understanding of the relevant studies, concepts and challenges related to global poverty Nature, causes and types of poverty in developing countries Individuals with income which is less than the sufficient amount which is required to buy the basic living requirements such as clothing, shelter, food and some other primary things are considered as poor. In practical life, the cost of living is entirely based upon the geographical location and thus it is extremely diverse in nature. Poverty can be explained as a condition which is devastating and chronic and that results from several negative risk factors and lays a direct impact on the human lives. Global poverty is one of the most dominant issues faced by the developing countries and is also indirectly having an impact over other developed economies too because of its severe negative implications. To eliminate the global poverty issues and problems, countries are striving hard as well as people are having a more concerned association with the organisations who are working for international social work and social development (Elvidge, 2009). There are certain causes of poverty that leads to increasing rate of global poverty. There are two types of cause of poverty that comprises of primary causes and the historical causes. The primary causes are the usual factors that are common in the terms of global perspective whereas the historical causes are the one which is associated with the nations history or past events. The primary causes comprises of aspects such as the circumstances of epidemic diseases, world hunger, the poor economic development in the world, mental illness which is a result of the poor or inappropriate psychiatric care, lack of educational facilities, corruption and lack of food. The historical causes comprises of mainly two aspects i.e. conquest and slavery. Thus, an existence of any of the above or two results in poverty related circumstances in the developing countries (Sumner, 2010). There are primarily six types of global poverty which are hollowing the growth and development of the nations with a speedy rate. The first and the primary type of poverty is situational poverty which is usually takes place because of an unexpected loss or crisis but it is temporary in nature. The factors or events that are the reason of situational poverty comprises of severe health issues, environmental disasters, crisis, etc. The second type of poverty is generational poverty which takes place in families and is considered as hierarchical where at least last two or more generations have faced and brought up into poverty. Such type of poverty remained continue because of the reason that they do not possess tools for overcoming such issue. Third type of poverty is absolute poverty which involves the insufficiency of basic necessities that comprises of food, running water, shelter and basic amenities. The groups of individuals who live in such poverty have to be concerned for their d ay to day survival too (Godfray, et al., 2010). Next kind of poverty is relative poverty which indicates the economic condition under which the individuals are short of the minimum amount of capital that is required for maintaining the societys average standard of living. It is the key aspect for measuring poverty at an individual level of different nations. The fifth type of poverty is urban poverty which takes place in the various metropolitan regions of the developing nations with a total population which stands for at least a total of 50,000 individuals (Alkire and Santos, 2010). These urban poor face the acute and chronic stressors. Last and the sixth type of poverty is rural poverty which takes place in the various non-metropolitan regions of the developing nations that stands for a total population which is lesser than 50,000. There are families that have very squat access to the support and services for education, heath amenities, disabilities, etc. (Mitlin and Satterthwaite, 2013). There are very fewer job opportunities i n such rural areas and all these circumstances leads to extreme poverty conditions in such regions. The rate of rural poverty is increasing day by day because of the deprived facilities and access to basic amenities. Integrated perspective approach to global poverty to have a better understanding Developing an integrated perspective approach for attaining a better improved understanding of the issue of global poverty comprises of understanding the issues on the basis often integration of few of the key perspectives that includes global perspective, social development perspective, ecological perspective and the human rights perspective. Firstly understanding and analysing the issue from the global perspective, it can be identified that poverty is a global issue which states that people worldwide who are living in poverty face numerous consequences such as shortage of the health care services, lack of education, malnutrition, increased levels of child mortality and decreased life expectancy. But on national level, many of the developed nations owe huge amount of debt which is limiting the capability of fostering domestic growth (McMichael, 2011). For resolving the issue of global poverty from global perspective there are several initiatives taken under the aspect of social development and international social work. International Monetary Fund and World Bank are the significant sources that offer technical assistance as well as funding to assist the developing nations (Carr and Sloan, 2003). For receiving credits at a low level of interest from such organisations, the developing nations are required to incorporate sev eral structural modifications which can improve the competitiveness and the economic growth of the countries (De Hoyos and Medvedev, 2011). There are several specific United Nations Millennium Development Goals which works for the reduction of poverty and its associated issues in the future. Other programs supporting the international social work for eradicating global poverty includes the ONE celebrity campaign, the Clinton Global Initiative, Compassion International and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Kanbur and Sumner, 2012). From the global perspective, it is essential that with the aspect of globalisation, all the nations must consider as one society and have a shared effort for sustaining the challenge of global poverty. Thus, it is essential that every nation must get involved, stay informed about the complexity and consequences of eth issue and raise awareness for the reduction of the same (pbworks, n.d.). The second perspective in the integrated perspective approach includes understanding of the issue of global poverty from the human rights perspective. Despite of the demonstration of the significance and importance of human rights, still there are several issues that are present in the society such as discrimination and inequality. Discrimination on a broader sense results in both poverty as well as in increasing the issues of global poverty. Not only in the developing countries but also the developed nations are suffering issues due to inequalities and discrimination (Cook, 2012). In the present world, poverty is considered as the gravest HR challenge as forty percent of the total population of the globe is living with the threat of poverty. The most required achievable goal is end of poverty for the human rights approach. Poverty is not only related to the income level of the individuals but also it is more considerably a concern of the individuals to spend a life which relishes th e advantages of freedom, human rights and dignity (Pogge, 2008). It demonstrates a multifaceted of unified and equally reinforcing scarcities, which affects on the ability of the individuals to access and possess their social, political, economic and civil rights. In a basic manner, thus, the rejection of the human rights results in the meaning of what is to be poor. There is a need to have integration of the specific human right standards with the issue of global poverty. Thus, there must be Political rights and freedoms, Right of equal access to justice, Right to personal Business security and privacy, Right to education, Right to health, Right to adequate housing, Right to adequate food and Right to work (ohchr, 2012). When all these rights will be offered to the individuals of the global societies than it will result in eradication of the issue of global poverty as individuals will be getting access to a more improved and economically sound lifestyle which can help them to live above the poverty line. The third perspective in the integrated perspective approach includes understanding of the issue of global poverty from the ecological perspective. The countries are achieving huge development and growth because of continuous globalisation. The developing countries are having their keen focus and emphasis upon the extraction for the natural resources that comprises of the expansion of the agricultural frontiers and mining. All such aspects results in degradation of the precious habitats as well as peripheralization due to increased material consumption and extended burden upon the environment. All such things happen when the developing countries expand itself in the global business world. Additionally, the oversupply results in the deterioration of the prices of the commodities which directly results in forcing the developing nation to export the upsurge amount of resources for generating high revenues and thus its results in negative implications for the ecological system (Newell, 2 013). The end and the worse result of deterioration is increased global poverty. Therefore, it has been stated that the exports may lead to increased rate of poverty as well as upsurge environmental degradation that generates issues related to income gap at the international level. Thus, it is essential that from the understanding global issue of poverty through ecological perspective, the developing countries must control the exports and must focus upon the growth and income generation of the domestic individuals through various means. With decreased extraction and exports, there will be declined environmental burden and there will be a local movements that will resist the projects or operations that leads to damaging of the environment and thus it will help in reducing poverty by generating increased income through several other domestic operations (Muradian and Martinez-Alier, 2001). Last and the fourth perspective in the integrated perspective approach include understanding of the issue of global poverty from the social development perspective. As per the social development perspective, there are sociologists that explains the global poverty by referring to the individuals dependency cultures, fecklessness and moral failings but on the other hand, some explain it as an outcome of the manner in which the opportunities and the resources are distributed across the society in an unequal manner (Barrientos and Hulme, 2009). The one of the primary reason behind the occurrence of the global issues such as poverty is because of the inequality at the time of allocation of the resources as in respect with social development approach; some organisations have their primary focus upon few of the nations only that leads to occurrence of poverty conditions in other nations. The sociological thinking emphasis upon the structure of the society and its association with the lives of the individuals as well as with the various social issues. There are two aspects in social development perspective where the first aspect emphasis upon the individuals behaviour which is the cause of global poverty which explains the fecklessness of the people only. The second aspect is the social welfare system that must have effective regulation so that there can be adequate distribution of the resources so that no region can affect from the issue of poverty because of unequal distribution (Addison, Hulme and Kanbur, 2009). Conclusion The report explains the key role of international social work and social development in eradicating the global issues faced by the developing countries. There are institutes, organisations and other communities that are supporting the international social work to overcome the issue of global poverty. It can be understand from the paper that there are several cause of poverty which are required to be managed so that the issue of global poverty does not exceed. By analysing the various types of poverty, it is essential that measures and initiatives in respect with the international social work must be taking to manage each type of poverty with a more concerned and emphasized way. From the report, it can be understand that there must be taken use of an integrated perspective approach for analysing the issue. There have been explained four different perspectives which states that all these four perspectives i.e. the global perspective, human rights perspective, social development perspec tive and the ecological perspective have a different understanding of the issue of poverty. These issues can be managed through each perspective mentioned in the report so that it does not expand its roots to further global regions. Thus, it can be concluded that the social workers must undertake an integrated perspective approach in understanding the global poverty issue and for eliminating the same. References Addison, T., Hulme, D., Kanbur, R. (Eds.). (2009).Poverty dynamics: Interdisciplinary perspectives. OUP Oxford. Alkire, S., Santos, M. E. (2010). Acute multidimensional poverty: A new index for developing countries. Barrientos, A., Hulme, D. (2009). Social protection for the poor and poorest in developing countries: reflections on a quiet revolution: commentary.Oxford Business Development Studies,37(4), 439-456. Carr, S. C., Sloan, T. S. (Eds.). (2003).Poverty and psychology: From global perspective to local practice. Springer Science Business Media. Cook, R. J. (Ed.). (2012).Human rights of women: National and international perspectives. University of Pennsylvania Press. De Hoyos, R. E., Medvedev, D. (2011). Poverty effects of higher food prices: a global perspective.Review of Development Economics,15(3), 387-402. Elvidge, C. D., Sutton, P. C., Ghosh, T., Tuttle, B. T., Baugh, K. E., Bhaduri, B., Bright, E. (2009). A global poverty map derived from satellite data.Computers Geosciences,35(8), 1652-1660. Godfray, H. C. J., Beddington, J. R., Crute, I. R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J. F., ... Toulmin, C. (2010). Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion,327(5967), 812-818. Healy, L. M. (2008).International social work: Professional action in an interdependent world. Oxford University Press, USA. Jones, D. N., Truell, R. (2012). The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: A place to link together and be effective in a globalized world.International Social Work,55(4), 454-472. Kanbur, R., Sumner, A. (2012). Poor countries or poor people? Development assistance and the new geography of global poverty.Journal of International Development,24(6), 686-695. Lyons, K. H., Hokenstad, T., Pawar, M., Huegler, N., Hall, N. (Eds.). (2012).The SAGE handbook of international social work. Sage. McMichael, P. (2011).Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective: A Global Perspective. Sage Publications. Mitlin, D., Satterthwaite, D. (2013).Urban poverty in the global south: scale and nature. Nature, causes and types of poverty in developing countriesRoutledge. Muradian, R., Martinez-Alier, J. (2001).Globalization and poverty: an ecological perspective. Heinrich Bll Foundation. Newell, P. (2013).Globalization and the environment: capitalism, ecology and power. John Wiley Sons. Ohchr, (2012). PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES FOR A HUMAN RIGHTS APPROACH TO POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES, Pp.54, Retrieved on: 17th August, 2017, Retrieved from: Pawar, M. (2014).Social and community development practice. SAGE Publications India. Pbworks, (n.d.). Poverty: A Global Perspective, Retrieved on: 17th August, 2017, Retrieved from: Pogge, T. W. (2008).World poverty and human rights. Polity. Sumner, A. (2010). Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion: What if Three?Quarters of the World's Poor Live in Middle?income Countries?.IDS Working Papers,2010(349), 01-43.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Organization Behavior free essay sample

Organisational behaviour is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organisation. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organisation relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organisation, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objective, organisational objectives, and social objectives. As you can see from the definition above, organisational behaviour encompasses a wide range of topics, such as human behaviour, change, leadership, teams, etc. The study of organisational behaviour involves consideration of the interaction among the formal structure, the tasks to be undertaken, the technology employed and the methods of carrying out work, the behaviour of people, the process of management, and the external environment. Task 1 1. 1 An organisational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organisational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organisation and its environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Organization Behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every organisation made up of more than one person will need some form of organisational structure. An organisational chart shows the way in which the chain of command works within the organisation. An organisation can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organisation will determine the modes in which it operates and performs. Organisational structure affects organisational action in two big ways. First, it provides the foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines rest. Second, it determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organisation’s actions. There are four main dimensions: * Specialization – the division of labour within the organisation, the distribution of official duties among a number of positions. * Standardization – procedures that occur regularly, are legitimized by the organisation, have rules that cover circumstances, and apply invariably. Formalization – the extent to which rules, procedures, instruction, and communications are written. * Centralization – where the authority to make legitimate decisions that affect the organisation is located. There are three main types of structures: * Matrix structures – provides for reporting levels both horizontally as well as vertically. * Functional structures – it is the most common structure. It groups individuals by specific functions performed. * Hierarchical structures – a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system. Culture, in the organisational context, may be broadly defined as the sum of group’s way of thinking, believing, feeling and acting. Culture is the way of life of a group of people. More formally culture is defined as the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by members of a society. There are four proposed criteria called dimensions for describing national culture: * Individualism versus collectivism Large or small power distance * Strong or weak uncertainty avoidance * Masculinity versus femininity 1. 2 The relationship between organisational culture and organisational structure is an important theme that is often overlooked. The two can be difficult to clearly distinguish from one another and even more so to clearly define within an institution. Organisational structure works within an organisational culture, but it is not completely separate. The two are very much intertwined. Organisational culture is more of a larger picture, a more general term that refers to a large umbrella of smaller topics and issues within an organisation. The structure refers to the infrastructure and the various methods and practises within that infrastructure that helps an organisational culture with the efficiency and consistency that should be the hallmark of any healthy organisational structure. This makes the structure an integral part of any organisational culture, but also narrows out a very specific segment of the culture as its own responsibility. Organisational structure will deal primarily with the set-up of the culture. How management works, which specific responsibilities supervisors have, how a complaint is passed through the ranks, these are all issues within the organisational culture that are directly tied to how an organisational structure works. As you can see, the relationship between organisational culture and organisational structure can be hard to tell apart, but in a fully healthy culture that is exactly what should be expected when all is functioning normally. 1. 3 There are five major factors that influence individual differences in behavioural patterns: * Demographics factors – the demographic factors are socio economic background, education, nationality, race, age, sex, etc. organisations prefer persons that belong to good socio-economic background, well educated, young as they are believed to be performing better than the others. The young and dynamic professionals that have good academic background and effective communication skills are always in great demand. * Abilities and skills – the physical capacity of an individual to do something can be termed as ability. Skill can be defined as the ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform well. The individual behaviour and performance is highly influenced by ability and skills. A person can perform well in the organisation if his abilities and skills are matched with job requirement. * Attitude – attitude can be defined as a tendency to respond favourably or unfavourably to certain objects, persons or situations. The factors such as family, society, culture, peers and organisational factors influence the formation of attitude. Personality – personality can be defined as the study of the characteristics and distinctive traits of an individual, the inter-relations between them and the way in which a person responds and adjusts to other people and situations. The several factors that influence the personality of an individual are heredity, family, culture and situation. Task 2 2. 1 In the past several decades, management experts have undergone a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes are toward it. They have gone from a very classical autocratic approach to a very creative, participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that not everything old was bad and not everything new was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different organisation and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. There are four basic leadership styles: * Autocratic leaders – which make decisions without consulting their teams. This is considered appropriate when decisions genuinely need to be taken quickly, when there’s no need for input, and when team agreement isn’t necessary for a successful outcome. Democratic leaders – they allows the team to provide input before making a decision, although the degree of input can vary from leader to leader. This type of style is important when team agreement matters, but it can be quite difficult to manage when there are lots of different perspectives and ideas. * Laissez-faire leaders – they don’t interfere; they allow people within the team to make many of the decisions. This works well when the team is highly capable and motivated, and when it doesn’t need close monitoring or supervision. However, this style can arise because the leader is lazy or distracted, and, here, this approach can fail. * Bureaucratic leaders – is where the manager managers â€Å"by the book†. Everything must be done according to procedure or policy. If it isn’t covered by the book, the manager refers to the next level above him or her. 2. 2 Organisational theory is the study of organisations for the benefit of identifying common themes for the purpose of solving problem, maximizing efficiency and productivity, and meeting the needs of stakeholders. It explains why organisation has the structure that they do like horizontal  differentiation, vertical differentiation, mechanisms of co-ordination and control, formalisation and centralisation of power. Classical theorist’s clams a single best way for organisation to be structured but theorists of today tend to believe that organisations vary considerably in structural attributes. Contingency theory claims that there is no one best way to organise. Contingency theory constraints or factor include: * The size of the organisation * How the firm adapts itself to its environment * Differences among resources and operations activities * Assumptions of managers about employees Technologies being used 2. 3 Evaluate the different approaches to management and theories of management used by two organisations. 1. Burberry * Identity of contingency approach where the form structure and management of Burberry are relative to its situations embraced in the business environment. * The group management and their teams are challenged with the responsibility of maintaining the integrity and vitality of this extraordinary brand while continuing to develop a business which remains relevant to ever-revolving markets and consumer taste. The Burberry brand is defined by its authentic British heritage, unique democratic positioning within the luxury arena, founding principles of quality, function and modern classic style, rooted in the integrity of its outerwear and globally recognised icon portfolio of the trench coat, trademark check and Prorsum horse logo. 2. Eurostar * The company highly flexible and expressive structure of Eurostar Company recognises the ability to change swiftly to meet the dynamic demands of the present business environment as a post-modern approach. Eurostar has been at the leading edge of innovation in the rail industry, setting new standards for travel by train. It was one of the first rail operators to introduce business lounges and a loyalty programme. * The management supports the learning role of employees in providing workshops to share ideas and interaction. This approach develops a good and healthy working relationship with the organisation and the reliance on customer’s feedback. Task 3 3. 1 It was one once again evident from analysing the objectivist literature that the role of the leadership is critical to the successful management of a culture program. Many argued that the primary role of any leader is to implement change and that without new leader or leadership team, coupled with a crisis, culture change is not possible. It describes how leaders have the responsibility to engage in ‘cultural visioning’ and to implement action plans that will attain the vision. New leadership has to come into place to bring a new set of assumptions and beliefs to the organisation, thus rectifying the crisis. The leadership also has to manage the conflict that inevitably comes with widespread organisational change. It places significant responsibility on the leadership to guide the company through the three stages of organisational development that it’s identified. Without visionary leadership, significant culture changes will not occur. 3. 2 Traditional theory ‘X’ – Sigmund Freud * Theory X assumes that people are lazy; they hate work to the extent that they avoid it; they have no ambition, take no initiative and avoid taking any responsibility; all they want is security, and to get them to do any work, they must be rewarded, coerced, intimidated and punished. This is the so-called ‘stick and carrot’ philosophy of management. If this theory were valid, managers will have to constantly police their staff, which they cannot trust and who will refuse to cooperate. In such an oppressive and frustrating atmosphere, both for the manager and the managed, there is no possibility of any achievement or any creative work. Theory ‘Y’ – Douglas McGregor * This is in sharp contrast to theory ‘X’. McGregor believed that people want to learn and that work is their natural activity to the extent that they self-discipline and self-development. They see their reward not so much in cash payments as in the freedom to do difficult and challenging work by them-selves. The manager’s job is to ‘dovetail’ the human wish for self-development into the organisations need for maximum productive efficiency. The basic objectives of both are therefore met and with imagination and sincerity, the enormous potential can be tapped. Theory ‘Z’ – Abraham Maslow * This is a refreshing change from theory X of Freud, by a fellow psychologist, Abraham Maslow. Maslow totally rejects the dark and dingy Freudian basement and takes us out into the fresh, open, sunny and cheerful atmosphere. Maslow’s central theme revolves around the meaning and significance of human work and seems to epitomize that work banishes the three great evils of boredom, vice and poverty. A man’s personality is the sum total of his works and that only his works survive a man at death. This is perhaps the essence of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, as it is more commonly known. The basic human needs, according to Maslow are physiological needs (Lowest), safety needs, love needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs (Highest). TABLE 1| Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs| Higher Level Needs| To Satisfy, Offer:| Self-actualization needs| Creative and challenging work| | | | | Esteem needs| Responsibility of an important job, promotion to higher status job, praise and recognition| Lower Level Needs| To Satisfy, Offer:| Social needs| Friendly co-workers, interaction with customers, pleasant supervisor| Safety needs| Safe working conditions, job security, base compensation and benefits| Physiological needs| Rest and refreshment breaks, physical comfort on the job, reasonable work hours| 3. 3 Understanding people’s perceptions, attitudes, motivations and behaviours is extremely important for achieving both managerial and organisational effectiveness. To get the very best out of people in work settings, managers constantly need knowledge about the behaviour of individuals and groups in organisation; they also need to be aware of the organisational and environmental variables that can potentially affect human behaviour. They need to understand, anticipate, modify and improve behaviours that are organisationally meaningful and relevant. The contribution of people, through their motivation and commitment, and dedicated behaviour towards the goals and objectives of the organisation remains the single most important factor in making organisations better and more effective. Some people like their jobs and work harder as well as smarter. They are also very proud of the organisations for which they work for. Other people simply dislike their jobs and would do anything just to avoid working. They would also prefer, if given the choice, to leave the work for another person to perform for them. There are many different ways in which motivational theory can be incorporated into the workplace for managers. Creating a program that incorporates motivational strategies into the organisation such as introducing new policy and procedure manual, rolling out an employee contest or developing a new feedback system. Conducting extensive training with the management staff that are responsible for employee motivation. Task 4 4. 1 Natures of groups – different types of groups are formed to achieve specific results in organisations. The definition of a group as given by Harold H. Kelley and J.W. Thibaut is â€Å"A collection of individuals. The members accept a common task, become inter-dependant in their performance, and interact with one another to promote its accomplishment. † There are three views on the nature of interaction between members of a group or group dynamics. The first view is the normative view, which describes how to carry out activities and organise a group. According to the second view, group dynamics consists of a set of techniques which include brainstorming, role play, team building, sensitivity training, self-managed teams, and transactional analysis. The third view explains group dynamics from the viewpoint of the internal nature of the groups. The formation of groups, structure, individual, other groups, and the complete organisation. Group behaviour – the structure of a group shapes the behaviour of members and performance as a group. Variable such a formal leadership, roles, norms, group status, group size, and composition of group have influence on the performance of the group. To understand group behaviour, group processes such as communication patterns, power dynamics, behaviour of the leader, conflict within the group should be understood clearly. The social loafing concept explains the differences in the performance of groups. Group processes should promote synergy where in the performance of the group is more than the sum of individual performances. The ‘social facilitation effect’ has an influence on performance of groups. According to this, there is a difference in the performance of individuals when tasks are performed in private and when performed in front of others. The group processes can be effective if the tasks are planned according to the comfort levels of peoples. 4. 2 There are many factors involved in the development of a good team. However, the three main factors in particular are communication, team balance and leadership. Communication is clearly an important part of interpersonal interaction and, of course, teamwork is all about interpersonal interaction. Open communication is a fundamental part of good teamwork in so far as it allows team members to understand each other’s point of view, to share ideas, to express feelings and to articulate plans. Poor communication can be a major barrier to effective teamwork. Wrestling with the complexities of communications is therefore part of the challenge of developing an effective team. The balance of a team involves having people whose experience, skills, perspective, interests and contributions complement one another, rather than duplicate or counteract each other. For example, it is no good having a team full of creative people who have lots of new ideas, but do not have the people who have the stamina to see those ideas through to completion. Differences between team members can, in themselves, lead to conflict but the diversity of the team and the balance that this can achieve, will generally more than make up for any such conflicts. Leadership refers to the ability to create and sustain a positive working culture to motivate or even inspire staff to play their part in creating a work environment in which there are high standards of practice, a high level of commitment and a positive approach. A key part of leadership is ‘vision’. This refers to the ability to keep a clear focus on what the team is trying to achieve, what its objectives are in terms of its overall strategy and aims. Effective teamwork therefore depends on a good leader, the right balance of the right people and the channels of communication remaining open between them. If these three core ingredients can be brought together, then there is every chance of a very effective and successful team developing. 4. 3 New technology has been injected into the workplace at an exponentially increasing rate over the last few decades. Many companies see new technology as the means to increase profit margins and to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace. New developments in IT have led to an increasingly mobile workforce. We are no longer tied to our desk in order to stay in the information loop. We can take our office with us wherever we go. Mobiles phones allow us to be reached almost anywhere. Blackberries and mobile laptops permit to access e-mail and other data products at a wide range of locations. A wide range of new technologies have given businesses access to faster communication, increased efficiencies, and the ability to work away from the office. New technology has opened a door of opportunities for organisation and employees willing to explore non-traditional work arrangements. As telecommunicating becomes more popular, employers are realising the benefits, including productivity gains, reduced absenteeism, reduced employee turnover costs, reduced real estate costs, and reduced relocation costs to name a few. Companies implementing new technology must also take into account the social impact. Because teamwork is a crucial element of workplace functioning. This effect may be able to be mitigated with a hybrid virtual team, where members occasionally meet in a traditional physical location. The only thing certain about the impact of technology in the workplace is that it will continue to change and evolve at an astounding rate. The organisation will need to understand the way that people – their employees and customer, will use and interact with them. Conclusion A very good reason to study organisation behaviour is to determine if the current behaviours are consistent with the future needs of the organisation. There are very good examples related to the behaviours of financial organisations. It is necessary to view the interrelationships between the development of theory, behaviour in organisations and management practise. An understanding of the development of management thinking helps in understanding principles underlying the process of management. Knowledge of the history helps in understanding the nature of management and organisation behaviour. And many earlier ideas are still important and are often incorporated into modern current management thinking. Theory provides a sound basis for action but if the action is to be effective the theory must be adequate and appropriate to the task and to improved organisational performance.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

The Founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Massachusetts Bay Colony was settled in 1630 by a group of Puritans from England under the leadership of Governor John Winthrop. The grant empowering the group to create a colony in Massachusetts was granted by King Charles I to the Massachusetts Bay Company. While the company was intended to transfer the wealth of the New World to stockholders in England, the settlers themselves transferred the charter to Massachusetts. By so doing, they turned a commercial venture into a political one. Fast Facts: Massachusetts Bay Colony Also Known As: Commonwealth of MassachusettsNamed After: Massachuset tribeFounding Year: 1630Founding Country: England,  NetherlandsFirst Known European Settlement: 1620Residential  Native Communities: Massachuset, Nipmuc, Pocumtuc, Pequot, Wampanoag (all Algonkin)Founders: John Winthrop, William BradfordImportant People:  Anne Hutchinson, John White, John Eliot, Roger Williams,First Continental Congressmen: John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Cushing, Robert Treat PaineSigners of the Declaration: John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry John Winthrop and the Winthrop Fleet The  Mayflower carried a mixture of English and Netherlands Separatists, the Pilgrims, to America in 1620. Forty-one  colonists on board the ship signed the  Mayflower Compact,  on November 11, 1620. This was the first written governmental framework in the New World. In 1629, a fleet of 12 ships known as the Winthrop Fleet left England and headed for Massachusetts. It reached Salem, Massachusetts on June 12th. Winthrop himself sailed aboard the Arbella. It was while he was still aboard the Arbella that Winthrop gave a famous speech in which he said: [F]or wee must Consider that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us; soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our god in this worke wee have undertaken and soe cause him to withdrawe his present help from us, wee shall be made a story and a byword through the world, wee shall open the mouthes of enemies to speake evill of the wayes of god and all professours for Gods sake.... These words embody the spirit of the Puritans who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony. While they emigrated to the New World to be able to freely practice their religion, they did not espouse freedom of religion for other settlers. Settling Boston Though Winthrops Fleet landed at Salem, they did not stay: the tiny settlement simply couldnt support hundreds of additional settlers. Within a short time, Winthrop and his group had moved, at the invitation of Winthrops college friend William Blackstone, to a new location on a nearby peninsula. In 1630, they renamed their settlement Boston after the town they had left in England. In 1632, Boston was made the capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. By 1640, hundreds more English Puritans had joined Winthrop and Blackstone in their new colony. By 1750, more than 15,000 colonists lived in Massachusetts. Unrest and Exile: The Antinomian Crisis   During the first decade of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, several political crises occurred, unfolding simultaneously, concerning the way religion was practiced in the colony. One of those is known as the Antinomian Crisis which resulted in the departure of Anne Hutchinson (1591–1643) from Massachusetts Bay. She was preaching in a manner that proved unseemly to the colonys leaders and was tried in civil and ecclesiastical courts, which culminated in her excommunication on March 22, 1638. She went on to settle in Rhode Island and died a few years later near Westchester, New York.   Historian Jonathan Beecher Field has pointed out that what happened to Hutchinson is similar to other exiles and departures in the early days of the colony. For example, in 1636, because of religious differences, Puritan colonist Thomas Hooker (1586–1647) took his congregation to found Connecticut colony. That same year, Roger Williams (1603–1683) was exiled and ended up founding Rhode Island colony.   Christianizing the Indians   In the earliest days of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Puritans carried out a war of extermination against the Pequots in 1637, and a war of attrition against the Narragansetts. In 1643, the English turned the Narragansett sachem (leader)  Miantonomo  (1565–1643) over to his enemies the Mohegan, where he was summarily killed. But beginning with the efforts of John Eliot (1604–1690), missionaries in the colony worked to convert the local Native Americans into Puritan Christians. In March of 1644, the Massachuset tribe submitted themselves to the colony and agreed to take religious instruction. Eliot set up praying towns in the colony, isolated settlements such as Natick (established 1651), where newly converted people could live separated from English settlers and independent Indians both. The settlements were organized and laid out like an English village, and the residents were subject to a legal code that required that traditional practices be replaced by those proscribed in the Bible. The praying towns roused dissent in the European settlements, and in 1675, the settlers accused the missionaries and their converts of treason. All of the Native Americans professing loyalty to the English were rounded up and placed on Deer Island without adequate food and shelter. King Philips War broke out in 1675, an armed conflict between English colonists and the Native Americans led by Metacomet (1638–1676), the Wampanoag chief who had adopted the name Philip. Some of the Massachusetts Bay Indian converts  supported the colonial militia as scouts and were crucial to the eventual colonial victory in 1678. However, by 1677, the converts who had not been killed, sold into slavery or driven northward found themselves restricted to praying towns that were essentially reservations for people reduced to live as servants and tenant farmers.   The American Revolution Massachusetts played a key part in the American Revolution. In December 1773, Boston was the site of the famous Boston Tea Party in reaction to the Tea Act that had been passed by the British. Parliament reacted by passing acts to control the colony including a naval blockade of the harbor.  The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774, and five men from Massachusetts attended: John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Cushing, and Robert Treat Paine. On April 19, 1775, Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts were the sites of the first shots fired in the Revolutionary War. After this, the colonists laid siege to Boston which the British troops held. The siege eventually ended when the British evacuated in March 1776.  Signers of the Declaration of Independence from Massachusetts on July 4, 1776, were John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, and Elbridge Gerry. The war continued for seven more years with many Massachusetts volunteers fighting for the Continental Army. Sources and Further Reading Breen, Timothy H., and Stephen Foster. The Puritans Greatest Achievement: A Study of Social Cohesion in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts. The Journal of American History 60.1 (1973): 5–22. Print.Brown, Richard D., and Jack Tager. Massachusetts: A Concise History. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2000.Field, Jonathan Beecher. The Antinomian Controversy Did Not Take Place. Early American Studies 6.2 (2008): 448–63. Print.Lucas, Paul R. Colony or Commonwealth: Massachusetts Bay, 1661–1666. The William and Mary Quarterly 24.1 (1967): 88–107. Print.Nelson, William E. The Utopian Legal Order of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630–1686. The American Journal of Legal History 47.2 (2005): 183–230. Print.Salisbury, Neal. Red Puritans: The Praying Indians of Massachusetts Bay and John Eliot. The William and Mary Quarterly 31.1 (1974): 27–54. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion Board 1 AC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 1 AC - Essay Example His blue mood is calm and simple, he wants to learn some answers on the eternal question of life and death. And he seems to understand something in the land of Kiowa. The author emphasizes the fact that his grandmother spent a great deal of time praying, trying to understand her meaning in life. Momaday does not mention his addressing to God, however, his desire to learn more about the land and the people which lived there is also a quest or a prayer. Narrative is aimed to describe and to connect some past events, make them real for listeners or readers. Our life can also be regarded as narrative because it appears as the stories that we tell each other. Learning about his grandmother and her people the author creates narrative which helps him bring to life these people from nowhere. Narrative, however, is most often symbolic meaning that it has sense for the author only. But in this case Momaday express his gratification and respect to his